The Sunday that comes on of after October 30th is called Koodhosh Eetho (Sanctification of Church) Sunday. It is the beginning of the church calendar.
St. Matthew 16:13-23
The Sunday after Koodhosh Eetho is called Hoodhosh Eetho (Dedication of Church) Sunday.
This Sunday is commemorated as the day when John the Baptist’s birth was announced toZachariah by Angel Gabriel.
This festival is called Danaha in Syriac meaning ‘Dawn’. Also called Epiphany or Theophany.
February 2nd is celebrated as the day when infant Jesus was presented in the temple. Also called the day of the old aged. Feast of St. Simon and St. Hanna.
The three day lent is a lent of attrition and repentance commemorating the repentance of the people Nineveh at the preaching of Prophet Jonah. This lent starts three weeks before the start of the Great Lent.
The Great Lent starts bycommemorating the first miracle performed by Jesus i.e. turning water into wineat the wedding feast at Cana of Galilee. The Gospelreading for each Sunday of the Great Lent is about a miracle performed byJesus.
We celebrate the Feast of Annunciation to St. Mary twice a year. On the 3rd Sunday after Koodhosh Eetho and on March 25th. Holy Eucharist must be celebrated on this day even if it comes during the Great Lent, during the Passion Week or on Good Friday. (The Holy Eucharist is not celebrated during the Great Lent days except all Saturdays and Sundays, Wednesday of Mid Lent, 40th Friday, and Maundy Thursday during the Passion week.)
St. Matthew 5: 21 – 26
Songs1: 2-11, 3: 6, 4: 10-15
Kings 9: 1-6
Isaiah 61:1-6
I John2: 21-3: 1
Corinthians 2: 12-17
St. Matthew 26: 6-13
St. John 12:3-8
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